] [
* 元文 [#t8e9b695]
-Seasar2では、インスタンス管理をsingleton, prototype, out...
-Seasar2では、method injection(Springのlookup-methodとは...
* 英文 [#cdc30c89]
-Today, I would like to compare Seasar2 with Spring serio...
-Implemented OGNL, Seasar2 does not bother you in writing...
-AutoBinding by types in Seasar2 focuses on the type of i...
-Seasar2 has some flexibilities of file include functions...
-Seasar2 brings you to ease of implying Aspects, but Spri...
-Seasar2 have various instance management methods such as...
-You can apply DI to every Java Classes by using Seasar2'...
-In Seasar2, you can multi-define initMethod and destroyM...
-Seasar2 can apply the Aspect to the method which is call...
-Spring cannot use Aspects without a default constructor....
-Spring has lookup-method, but Seasar2 does not. A little...
-The Spring's DIContainer has the message resource manage...
-Spring has the event management function, but Seasar2 do...
-Spring can inherit the bean configuration, which Seasar2...
-Spring can defines the default value of the bean configu...
-The differences between Seasar2 and Spring are not well-...
-This comparison is on the side of Seasar2.
* コメント [#dda5fd1b]
* 元文 [#t8e9b695]
-Seasar2では、インスタンス管理をsingleton, prototype, out...
-Seasar2では、method injection(Springのlookup-methodとは...
* 英文 [#cdc30c89]
-Today, I would like to compare Seasar2 with Spring serio...
-Implemented OGNL, Seasar2 does not bother you in writing...
-AutoBinding by types in Seasar2 focuses on the type of i...
-Seasar2 has some flexibilities of file include functions...
-Seasar2 brings you to ease of implying Aspects, but Spri...
-Seasar2 have various instance management methods such as...
-You can apply DI to every Java Classes by using Seasar2'...
-In Seasar2, you can multi-define initMethod and destroyM...
-Seasar2 can apply the Aspect to the method which is call...
-Spring cannot use Aspects without a default constructor....
-Spring has lookup-method, but Seasar2 does not. A little...
-The Spring's DIContainer has the message resource manage...
-Spring has the event management function, but Seasar2 do...
-Spring can inherit the bean configuration, which Seasar2...
-Spring can defines the default value of the bean configu...
-The differences between Seasar2 and Spring are not well-...
-This comparison is on the side of Seasar2.
* コメント [#dda5fd1b]