Now, let's make seasar documents viewable from a web browser. This is not absolutely necessary because we can just open the html files directly, it I just want to show how to setup a web page contained in a Eclipse workspace.
From the Eclipse window, select seasar-www in the Package Explorer. This is where all Seasar2 document files are kept.
Select Window- Preferences... from the menu.
Select Tomcat and select the version of Tomcat you've installed. (In this installation steps, we've installed Tomcat version 5.5.9 so we've selected Version 5.x.)
Select the Browse... button next to the Tomcat home to tell the plugin where Tomcat was installed.
Move to where Tomcat was installed (in this installation steps, we've installed it in D:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5) and select the Tomcat folder.
Select the OK button.
On the left hand side, select the "+" sign next to Tomcat to open the view. Select Tomcat Manager App.
Enter the name and password of the Administrator in their respective fields.
Select the OK button.
Let's test if we setup the Tomcat plugin correctly.
Select Tomcat - Start Tomcat from the menu.
Check the Console view at the bottom. If Tomcat was able to startup correctly, a INFO: Server startup in xxxxx ms message should appear.
Open a web browser and open the following URI: http://localhost:8080/seasar/seasar-www/
If all went well, a page like those below should appear.
To view English documents, open the following URI: http://localhost:8080/seasar/seasar-www/en/