# /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # additionalTableMap: (NotRequired - Default 'map:{}') # # This property is valid at only JDBC task. # You should use this when JDBC can not provide table information # and when you have no table but call stored procedures only. # # The element 'columnMap' is only required in table elements. # The element 'type' is only required in column elements. # # Specification: # map: { # [table-name] = map:{ # columnMap = map:{ # [column-name] = map:{ # type = [column JDBC type] ; dbType = [column DB type] # ; required = [true or false] ; size = [column size] # ; primaryKey = [true or false] ; pkName = [PK constraint name] # ; autoIncrement = [true or false] # ; default = [default value] ; comment = [column comment] # } # } # ; comment = [table comment] # } # } # # *The line that starts with '#' means comment-out. # map:{ #; FOO_TABLE = map:{ # ; columnMap = map:{ # FOO_ID = map:{ type = INTEGER ; dbType = INTEGER # ; required = true ; primaryKey = true ; autoIncrement = true # } # FOO_NAME = map:{ type = VARCHAR ; required = true ; size = 123 } # FOO_DATE = map:{ type = DATE } # } #} } # ----------------/ # # Reference for JDBC Type with Mapping as follows: # -------------------------------------------------------- # | JDBC Type | Java Native | CSharp Native | # | ------------------------------------------------------ # | CHAR | java.lang.String | String | # | VARCHAR | java.lang.String | String | # | LONGVARCHAR | java.lang.String | String | # | NUMERIC | java.math.BigDecimal | decimal? | # | DECIMAL | java.math.BigDecimal | decimal? | # | BIT | java.lang.Boolean | bool? | # | BOOLEAN | java.lang.Boolean | bool? | # | TINYINT | java.lang.Integer | int? | # | SMALLINT | java.lang.Integer | int? | # | INTEGER | java.lang.Integer | int? | # | BIGINT | java.lang.Long | long? | # | REAL | java.math.BigDecimal | decimal? | # | FLOAT | java.math.BigDecimal | decimal? | # | DOUBLE | java.math.BigDecimal | decimal? | # | BINARY | byte[] | byte[] | # | VARBINARY | byte[] | byte[] | # | LONGVARBINARY | byte[] | byte[] | # | DATE | java.util.Date | DateTime? | # | TIME | java.sql.Time | DateTime? | # | TIMESTAMP | java.sql.Timestamp | DateTime? | # | ARRAY | *Unsupported | *Unsupported | # | UUID | java.util.UUID | *Unsupported | # --------------------------------------------------------