Kijimuna Plugin Installation by H.Ozawa
Kijimuna is an Eclipse plugin to validate against Seasar syntax. Without Kijimuna, we would have to look at Java compilation errors to find syntactical errors.
The easiest way to install Kijimuna is from Eclipse. But if you don't have an Internet connection, you're still able to install Kijimuna from the downloadable archive file by following this steps.
Start Eclipse and select Help - Software Updates - Find and Install...
Select Search for new features to install and select the Next > button.
Select the New Remote Site... button.
Enter Kijimuna as the Name and enter as the URL. Select the OK button.
Check the Kijimuna as the site to include in search and select the Finish button.
Check Kijimuna as feature to install and select the Next > button.
Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement and select the Next > button.
Make sure the directory Eclipse is installed in displayed as the Install Location. If it is different, select the "Change Location..." button to select the folder where Eclipse was installed. Select the Finish button.
Necessary files will be downloaded. Do not select any buttons in this dialog box.
Select the Install All button.
Select the Yes to restart Eclipse.
After Eclipse is restarted, let's check if Kijimuna was properly installed.
Select Windows - Preferences...
Verify that Kijimuna is listed.
Select the Cancel button.
This completes Kijimuna plugin installation.